
Grass-Fed Lamb - Dorset and Suffolk Sheep

Our ewes lamb in mid-spring, just as the grasses begin to flourish. Lambs nurse on their moms and graze on a salad bowl of legumes and grasses rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and Omega 3 fatty acids. Our flock is on a rotational grazing system which means the sheep are moved every few days to a fresh, lush growing pasture.

Sustainably raised: No need for antibiotics

They mature at 5-8 months of age at 130-140 lbs

Always mild & tender; Frozen & cryo-vac sealed locally at a local USDA Facility


Farm Fresh Free Range Raised Eggs

Our hens enjoy the comforts of a cozy barn & explore the outside year-round. Their diet consists corn, beans, peas, soybean & wheat


Grass and Pastured Fed Beef

Our Grass-Fed Murray Grey & Angus Beef is raised the same as our lambs. After weaning they return to grass alfalfa hay fields to continue growing through the winter & supplemented with our own hay. In the spring they return to our pastures system with the sheep before harvested.

Sustainably raised: No need for antibiotics

Mature at 1 ½- 2 years of age at average weight of 1300lbs

Always mild & tender; Frozen, aged and cryo-vac sealed locally at a USDA Facility